Letter from the President – Julie Thorner
Mini University, Inc. Home Office
115 Harbert Drive
Beavercreek, Ohio 45440
Toll Free: (877) 429.9400
Phone: (937) 426.1414
Fax: (937) 426.5650

Welcome to Mini University!
Family – no one chooses the family into which they are born, but YOU get to choose the School Family for your child. This is an important decision and we are honored you are considering Mini U. For over 30 years we have been dedicated to creating family environments where children feel safe and loved so they can learn. We are fortunate to work in partnership with some of the best employers in our region. They understand when you place the needs of children first, their employees and students succeed.
The School Family within each Mini U center is a support for you and will provide the best educational start for your young children. We know parents wonder about what’s going on, so we use some of the latest apps to keep you connected throughout the day. Being able to quickly glance at your phone or email to answer questions like “When was my son’s last bottle?” or “Did my daughter sleep today?” can reassure you so you can focus at work or school. Seeing pictures of your children learning as they joyfully splash in the puddles on the playground or build a tall tower with blocks engages you in their learning. Childhood is an amazing and brief few years of life and these moments are captured and shared every day, from our School Family to yours.
As President of Mini University, I had the privilege of growing up in a large family in Dayton, and I have always felt the power of Family in my heart. That’s how Mini U got started – to share that feeling with children when they are away from their Family. Family cares for and supports each other, and sometimes we make mistakes, but we always know, deep down, we are safe and loved with Family. This builds Trust and creates a sense of security that is necessary for all the academic learning we hope for in a child’s future.
I could talk for days about the educational quality and national accreditation of Mini U, and the extra efforts our leaders take to hire and retain only the best teachers for your children. But if you don’t see and feel our heart, none of that matters. My own children attended Mini U and I’ve never forgotten the moment I handed my baby to his teacher. There is no greater act of Trust. My children learned and grew so much at Mini U, and I know our teaching staff today will be equally attentive to your children.
Time moves quickly and while my children choose a college, I wish you success as you make this decision. Find the right fit for your family’s needs and feel the heart of the people in the program, because that’s what matters most. Life is busy, so don’t forget to breathe deeply, pause and enjoy all the hugs and nightly bedtime and bath routines, especially when the water splashes everywhere! From our School Family to yours, I wish you well~
Julie Thorner
Mini University